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Our Managed Investment Service offers a discretionary portfolio that allows you to benefit from expert investment management and the latest investment intelligence.

Designed for those who want to delegate management to an experienced Adviser and benefit from the collective expertise of specialist teams, this service is ideal for clients seeking peace of mind that their investments will be professionally managed. 

Your Adviser will work with you to develop a unique portfolio of investment strategies and asset classes to help you achieve your long-term financial goals, and focus on mitigating investment risk and positioning your investments for growth.

Capital at Risk

Please do remember that as with all investments, your capital is at risk.

What’s included with our Managed Investment Service?


Our Managed Investment Service draws on the collective expertise of your Adviser, our independent Research and Specialist Investing teams to deliver portfolios that are as unique as you are.

  • Dedicated Adviser (or Adviser Team if you include Wealth Planning)
  • Biannual reviews to discuss investment performance and strategies
  • 24/7 access to your investment account via our online portal, myKillik
  • Access to exclusive events, webinars, and investment ideas
  • Simple and transparent fee structure



What is unique about our Managed Investment Service?

We build your portfolio once we understand your goals, risk appetite and investing preferences. Our approach offers several significant benefits for investors.

Independent thinking in action

Independent ownership frees us from the demands of external stakeholders, so we have no conflicts or ties and can develop the most suitable portfolio to help you achieve your goals.

Purpose-driven portfolios

Your interests come first when we build your portfolio. Whether you prefer existing or emerging markets or have a favourite type of instrument, we can tailor a portfolio to suit your purpose.

Direct investment to reduce your costs

We aim to reduce net transaction cost to clients where we can through direct investment in equities, removing additional charges from third-party managers.

Portfolios powered by collective

Instead of delegating to just one Adviser, dedicated specialists will manage segments of your portfolio and leverage insights from our in-house Research Team.

We offer simple and transparent fees

Our success is linked to yours when it comes to fees. We aim to work to a single charge instead of charging per transaction, and always include VAT in quotes.

Rigorously researched investment ideas

We invest significantly in our own independent research and share insights with clients, rigorously evaluating all investments through our committees.

Our investing approach

Our investing approach powers this Service and connects you directly to the trends, industries and companies shaping our future.

How we work with you

Understanding your goals

We start with a conversation to understand your unique financial goals, including where you want to get to, what is important along the way, and your investment preferences.


How our Managed Investment Service works

Our Managed Investment Service provides a well-diversified discretionary portfolio, which your Adviser will tailor to help you achieve your financial goals. Your portfolio will typically include a range of asset classes, such as equities (also known as stocks and shares), bonds and alternatives. 

Our dedicated, Specialist Investing Teams manage these Strategies, and benefit from rigorous and up to date intelligence provided by our Independent Research Team.

Equity Investment Strategies

Our Equity Investment Strategies invest directly in shares of companies that we believe will provide significant returns for clients in line with their investment preferences. These strategies allow you to move away from investment funds to bring you closer to the companies you are investing in and help reduce the overall cost of your portfolio in the process.

Global Large Cap Equity Strategy

Aims to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in shares of market-leading global companies benefiting from secular growth opportunities.

  • Global Investment Strategy
  • Market capitalisations above $10bn
  • Portfolio of 40-50 market-leading companies
  • Balanced across cyclical, defensive and fast growth companies
  • Exposure to themes like Climate Change and Technological Advancement
  • Managed by the Killik & Co Investment Committee

Watch our introduction to the Global Large Cap Equity Strategy

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Global Mid Cap Equity Strategy

Aims to achieve greater long-term capital growth than those gained in the broader equity market by investing in shares of earlier stage medium-sized companies from around the developing world.

  • Global Investment Strategy
  • Market capitalisations between $1bn and $50bn
  • Portfolio of 25-35 companies
  • Exposure to themes like Technological Disruption, Demographics and Environment, Infrastructure Renewal
  • Managed by Nicolas Ziegelasch

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Global Sustainable Equity Strategy

Aims to achieve greater long-term returns than those gained from the broader equity market by investing in businesses that impact the Environment, Health, and Empowerment.

  • Global Investment Strategy
  • Market capitalisations between $1bn and $50bn
  • Portfolio of 25-35 companies
  • Exposure to themes like Environment, Health, and Empowerment
  • Managed by Nicolas Ziegelasch

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UK Mid Cap Equity Strategy

Aims to achieve longer-term capital growth and income through investing in UK-listed companies.

  • UK Investment Strategy designed to sit below and complement the Global Large Cap Equity Strategy
  • Provides exposure to UK stocks benchmarked against MSCI UK SMID (Small & Mid Cap) Index
  • Portfolios typically generate a progressive yield which can be paid away or re-invested
  • Portfolios typically provide exposure to 20 companies or more
  • Portfolios are structured with a blend of style characteristics, including Value, Quality, Future Growth Potential, Asset-Backing and Recovery
  • Managed by Graham Neale, Matthew Hackett-Brown and Oliver Dudlyke

Watch our introduction to the UK Mid Cap Equity Strategy

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UK Smaller Cap Equity Strategy

Aims to achieve capital growth through a higher-risk approach to investing in small and medium sized UK companies with the potential for above average growth.

  • UK Investment Strategy
  • Market capitalisations up to £1.7bn
  • Portfolio of 15-55 smaller companies
  • Mixed investment approach with no fixed focus on growth or value styles
  • Exposure to themes like Healthcare and Tech, Retail, Leisure and Industrials
  • Managed by Mike Savage and Peter Bate

Watch our introduction to the UK Smaller Cap Equity Strategy

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Fund Investment Strategies

Our Fund Investment Strategies invest in groups of companies that we believe will provide significant returns for clients in line with their investment preferences.

Portfolio Management Strategy

Aims to achieve steady long-term growth by investing in a multi-asset portfolio of funds.

  • Fund-based investment strategy providing exposure to equities, fixed income and alternatives
  • Asset allocation process determined by the relationship between starting valuations and subsequent long-term returns
  • Extensive use of index funds to minimise costs
  • Managed by Mick Gilligan and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

Watch our introduction to the Portfolio Management Strategy

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Sustainable Portfolio Management Strategy

Aims to achieve steady long-term growth by investing in a multi-asset portfolio of sustainable funds.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on investing sustainably
  • Seeks to minimise exposure to companies that are damaging to the environment or society
  • Predominately invested in funds that incorporate sustainability into their investment process
  • Exposure to diversifiers such as multi-asset funds and government bonds to reduce volatility
  • Asset allocation process determined by the relationship between starting valuations and subsequent long-term returns
  • Managed by Andrius Makin and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Alternative Allocation Strategy

Aims to achieve long-term growth with lower volatility than investing in traditional equity through alternative investment strategies.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on Alternative Assets outside of Equity and Fixed Income securities
  • Focused predominantly on assets providing diversification and ballast within portfolios
  • Diversified exposure to a range of absolute return fund, multi-asset strategies, hedge funds and commodities
  • Exposed to structurally supported, real assets, in areas such as digitalisation, urbanisation and energy transition
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Alternative Income Strategy

Aims to achieve an attractive dividend yield and long-term capital growth with lower volatility than investing in traditional equity through alternative strategies.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on Alternative Income-Yielding Assets outside of Equity and Fixed Income securities
  • Focused predominantly on assets providing income diversification within portfolios
  • Diversified exposure to a range of income yielding assets such as infrastructure, property, asset-backed securities and index-linked bonds
  • Exposed to structurally supported, real assets, in areas such as digitalisation, urbanisation and energy transition
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Global Emerging Markets Strategy

Aims to achieve long-term capital growth through investing in countries or regions classified as emerging or frontier markets.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on Developing Markets
  • Focused predominantly on large market capitalisation companies
  • Diversified exposure across funds with a range of differing investment styles
  • Exposed to the theme of income and consumption growth within emerging market economies
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Global Smaller Companies Strategy

Aims to achieve long-term capital growth through investing in shares of smaller companies that are usually outside of the UK market.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on International Small-Cap Markets
  • Focused on smaller companies across a range of geographic regions outside of the UK
  • Diversified exposure across funds with a range of differing investment styles
  • Exposure to the long-term growth opportunity in small-cap markets around the world
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Global Technology Innovation Strategy

Aims to achieve long-term capital growth through investing in high-growth areas within global sectors at the forefront of technological innovation.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on areas of structural growth potential stemming from productive innovation
  • Focused on companies at various stages of development
  • Diversified exposure to specialist strategies targeting specific technology sub-sectors
  • Exposure to areas such as e-commerce, automation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced materials and the life sciences
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Global Venture Capital Strategy

Aims to achieve capital growth through fund strategies that are focused on private equity investments.

  • Fund-based investment strategy focused on private investments (i.e. companies with no public listing)
  • Focused on Venture Capital strategies, providing growth capital to businesses as they look to expand
  • Diversified exposure to unlisted companies within a variety of industry segments and to businesses at varying development phases but with a bias towards those at an earlier stage of growth
  • Exposure to the broadening opportunity set of unquoted companies as an increasing proportion of businesses are choosing to stay private for longer
  • Managed by Gordon Smith and the Killik & Co Fund Research Team

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Bond Investment Strategies

Our Bond Investment Strategies invest in instruments like corporate bonds and gilts that we believe will provide significant returns for clients in line with their investment preferences.

UK Fixed Income Strategy

A managed portfolio of directly-held bonds that aims to provide a reasonable and predictable level of income, with less risk than investing directly in equities.

  • Invests in tradable debt securities denominated in pound sterling, with a particular focus on investment-grade corporate bonds
  • Offers visibility over each bond in your portfolio, with known coupon-payment dates and bond maturity profiles
  • Bonds' higher predictability of returns, combined with their higher rank in the corporate capital structure than equity, means that they tend to be less volatile than many other asset classes
  • Corporate bonds can add diversification benefits to a portfolio consisting of other asset classes
  • Managed by Mateusz Malek and the Killik & Co Fixed Income Research team

Watch our introduction to the UK Fixed Income Strategy

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UK Short-Dated Gilts Strategy

Aims to provide a reasonable and predictable level of income with less risk than equities through investing in a portfolio of directly-held Government bonds.

  • Invests mainly in UK government bonds and UK treasury bills
  • Also invests in sterling-denominated, short-dated supranational bonds, and bonds issued by government-guaranteed organisations to boost returns and increase diversification
  • Focuses on high-quality and short-maturity bonds in the sterling market, reducing credit and duration risk
  • Managed by Mateusz Malek and the Killik & Co Fixed Income Research team

Watch our introduction to the UK Short-Dated Gilts Strategy

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