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What is a Junior SIPP?

A Junior SIPP is a tax-efficient way to save for your child’s retirement.   

Every child from birth is entitled to save up to £3,600 into a pension every tax year. The government will contribute 20% of the cost meaning that you only need to contribute the remaining 80% or £2,880 each year. 

The Junior SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) is a pension ‘wrapper’ that shelters these pension savings and investments, which can be accessed by your child when they reach retirement age. 

With a Killik & Co Junior SIPP, you can choose to invest into a range of investments, across our Managed or Advised services, depending on your needs and investing experience.   

Who are Junior SIPPs suitable for?

Junior SIPPs can be opened by parents or guardians of any child that is a UK resident, under the age of 18.  Grandparents, family members and anyone else can also make contributions as long as the total does not exceed the annual limit. 

This can be an ideal way of contributing to your child’s retirement. The SIPP benefits from tax relief and starting early, perhaps from birth, helps to maximise the amount of time for compounding until retirement.   

With growing pressure for future generations to fund their own retirement, this could provide a welcome head start for any child.  Anyone contributing to the SIPP also has the assurance that the investments cannot be accessed before retirement age and used for other purposes. 

You can read more about Investing for Children here.  You can also learn more about Junior ISA here


Kid Running

Capital at Risk

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please remember as with all investments your money can rise and fall.

Father And Son

What are some of the benefits of a Junior SIPP?

  • A tax-efficient way to invest on behalf of your child’s retirement 
  • Benefitting from pension tax relief, effectively increasing your own contributions 
  • Payments to a Junior SIPP could help to reduce inheritance tax bills 
  • Control of the pension passes to your child at 18 but the money is inaccessible until retirement age 
  • Starting ahead of adulthood provides longer for compound growth by retirement 

Compounding Calculator

Tax Treatment

The tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

How much does a Killik & Co Junior SIPP cost?

There is no cost to open a Killik & Co Junior SIPP or transfer across an existing pension (although it is worth checking there are no exit charges from the provider you are leaving). There are no charges for cash contributions including direct debits, however, given the flexibility and breadth of investment and benefit options with our SIPP, there are a range of other administration fees which may be applicable, and which are detailed here in our SIPP rate card.

There will be fees in connection with the other services you select, such as for investment management and advice. Our Advisers can discuss these options with you and confirm the charges you can expect. 

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+44 (0) 20 7337 0777

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Why choose Killik & Co?

Whether you are looking for a Managed or Advised Junior SIPP, we can help invest across a range of tax-efficient investment wrappers for you and your family.

See what some of our clients have to say about us or contact us to speak to one of our Advisers directly about your requirements.  

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