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Our Killik Managed solution offers a dedicated Wealth or Financial Planner and Investment Manager to help you plan and invest in a tax-efficient way.

Designed for those seeking to grow their wealth and plan their finances in a tax-efficient way to meet their financial goals, this service is ideal for clients seeking peace of mind that their wealth will be holistically and professionally managed. We believe that planning and investing are two different but complementary specialisms as utilising both provides increased financial foresight and maximises opportunities to grow wealth.

Our Killik Managed solution provides access to a dedicated Wealth or Financial Planner and a dedicated Investment Manager who will work together with you and with each other to create a long-term plan to grow and protect your wealth.

Enquire today

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Talk to an Adviser:

+44 (0) 20 7337 0777

Capital at Risk.

Please do remember that as with all investments, your capital is at risk. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change.

What is included with our Killik Managed solution?

We believe working with a Planner is the most effective way to make your finances go further, and this is why we offer an integrated solution comprising of Wealth Planning and Investment Management. The key benefits that this service offers clients include:

  • A dedicated Adviser Team, providing two specialists and points of contact who will work together to build your unique plan and portfolio
  • A flexible and comprehensive plan to support the financial goals you have for yourself and your family
  • Expert management of your investments from our team
  • Access to our client portal and educational content hub
holding hands

Who could benefit from this solution?

Here are a few examples of where our Advisers can provide specialist advice and support.

Wealth Planning

Our Wealth and Financial Planners specialise in:

  • Assessing your financial goals, income and expenditure to help you develop a budget and identify any areas of your finances that need attention
  • Creating a lifetime cashflow forecast to help you understand the long-term potential of your capital and the impact your financial decisions could have
  • Advising how to restructure your finances to maximise growth, e.g., where to pay down debt, how much to hold in cash for a rainy day and allocate to long-term investing
  • Offering guidance or advice on how to minimise tax, such as Capital Gains, Income and Inheritance Tax, so that you can grow and protect more of your wealth
  • Assisting with planning for your retirement, including income drawdown, pension and estate planning, and financial protection



Investment Management

Our Investment Managers specialise in:

  • Developing personalised investment strategies to meet your goals and risk appetite
  • Combining our proprietary Investment Strategies and handpicked equities to create a unique portfolio that works for you
  • Monitoring market conditions and adjusting portfolios accordingly
  • Working closely with our in-house Research team to ensure new investment ideas are incorporated into your portfolio, where relevant
  • Providing regular performance updates


What is unique about our Killik Managed solution?

Our Killik Managed solution provides two dedicated experts to guide your financial planning and investing decisions. This helps to provide confidence that your portfolio will be positioned for investment growth over the long term, while your finances will be structured in a tax-efficient manner to help you protect the returns your investments generate.

We understand every client is different, so we design your bespoke portfolio to support your unique requirements with a level of risk you are comfortable with instead of trying to match you to a generic plan.

This approach enables our teams to be flexible as your requirements change, with regular reviews of your financial plan and investment portfolio helping to identify new opportunities and keep you on track to meet your financial goals.


How we work with you

Understanding your goals

We start with a conversation to understand your unique financial goals, including where you want to get to, what is important along the way, and your investment preferences. Your initial consultation is complimentary, with no obligation to sign up for any of our services.

Wealth Management

How our Killik Managed solution works

We will work with you to understand your unique requirements and develop a personalised investment strategy to meet your lifetime financial ambitions, supported by regular planning updates to ensure you remain on track to achieve your goals.

The service provides a well-diversified discretionary portfolio, which will typically include a range of asset classes, such as equities (also known as stocks and shares), bonds and alternatives. Our dedicated, Specialist Investing Teams manage these Strategies, and benefit from rigorous and up to date intelligence provided by our Independent Research Team.

Your portfolio will be designed to support the goals identified and outlined within your financial plan, to ensure sufficient funds have been set aside to cover long-term investments, emergencies, and foreseeable calls on capital.

You will also gain access to our online investment portal and regular updates from our Research Team providing you with access to the latest investment intelligence.

Enquire today

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Talk to an Adviser:

+44 (0) 20 7337 0777

Seeking a complete solution?

Our all-inclusive solution is ideal for clients seeking ancillary financial services like personal tax and trusts, delivered in parallel with investment management and wealth planning services.

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