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17 May 2024

Designed by Baz Grainger and built by Landform Consultants, our Money Doesnt Grow on Trees Garden for the recent RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024 was awarded the Silver-Gilt medal.

Killik Co Chelsea 24 650

The garden reflected the challenges of navigating personal finances across generations, and the power of expert guidance. Just like our 35-year legacy of supporting clients, the garden highlights the importance of clear planning and collaboration to achieve financial goals.


The journey within the garden to the well, connects three core structural landscape features, a representation of our core expertise: saving, planning and investing:


  • Saving: four oak planters represent our four main drivers to start saving (many little plants suggest the benefits of saving little and often and the oak indicating the importance of choosing a reliable and enduring savings partner).
  • Planning: six structural stone pillars and six steel pergola crossbeams represent six key reasons to plan for the future.
  • Investing: five trees represent five core investment goals (a visual nod to growth). Throw a penny in the well and make a wish if you like - a wish for yourself or for the next generation, and with the right financial support you have a greater chance of achieving that wish.

Three inviting seating areas provide a space for all the family to sit and have meaningful conversations about finances. The communal space symbolises our commitment to supporting families, building long-lasting partnerships and the support you’ll receive from us on your financial journey through life’s moments.

The calming sounds of water flowing throughout the garden, along with carefully chosen colors and fragrant plants, create a serene atmosphere, helping to reduce the stress of financial discussions.

To see from the garden from the RHS Chelsea Flower Show visit our Instagram page

Killik Co Chelsea 24 199